Hello, my name is Joss

I'm a front-end developer from Sydney, Australia. I work at Thinkmill creating beautiful, functional user interfaces.

A stylized illustration of a laptop and mobile device
An illustration of characters interacting with shapes representing design-system elements

About my work

I'm passionate about design-systems, with an emphasis on user experience and accessibility.

Among others, I have worked on Atlassian's Atlaskit and Westpac's GEL.

I believe in Open Source

I've benefited a great deal from the open-source community so I like to give back when possible. Below are a couple of the more popular projects I've published. See others on GitHub.

Illustration: a female figure interacting a picture element


A mobile-friendly, highly customizable, lightbox and carousel component for displaying rich media in React.

Illustration: a female figure gazing at an "alert" exclamation point


A toast notification system for React. Built with a simple context store, hooks API, and beautiful default elements.